Corifollitropin alfa in women stimulated for the first time in in vitro fertilization programme
N. Vraná-Mardešićová; J. Vobořil; L. Melicharová; L. Jelínková; Š. Vilímová; T. Mardešić
Authors‘ workplace:
Sanatorium Pronatal, Praha, vedoucí lékař doc. MUDr. T. Mardešić CSc.
Published in:
Ceska Gynekol 2017; 82(5): 362-365
To compare results after stimulation with corifollitropin alfa (Elonva) in unselected group of women entering for the first time in in vitro fertilization programme (IVF) with results from Phase III randomized trials with selected groups of women.
Prospective study.
Sanatorium Pronatal, Praha.
40 unselected women with adequat ovarian reserve entering for the first time in IVF programme were stimulated with corifollitropin alfa and GnRH antagonists. Avarage age in the study group was 32,8 years (29–42 years), women younger then 36 and less then 60 kg received Elonva 100 µg , all others (age > 36 let, weight > 60 kg) Elonva 150 µg. Five days after egg retrieval one blastocyst was transferred (single embryo transfer – eSET). Our results were compared with the resuls in higly selected groups of women from Phase III randomized trials.
After stimulation with corifollitropin alfa and GnRH antagonists on average 10,6 (9,2 ± 4,2) eggs could be retrieved, among them 7,3 (6,6 ± 3,9) were M II oocytes (68,9%) and fertilisation rate was 84,6%. After first embryo transfer („fresh“ embryos and embryos from „freeze all“ cycles) 14 pregnancies were achieved (37,8%), three pregnancies were achieved later from transfer of frozen-thawed embryos (cumulative pregnancy rate 45,9%). There were three abortions. No severe hyperstimulation syndrom occured. Our results in unselected group of women stimulated for the first in an IVF programme with corifollitropin alfa are fully comparable with results published in randomized trials with selected group of patiens.
Corifollitropin alfa in combination with daily GnRH antagonist can be successfully used in normal-responder patients stimulated for the first time in an IVF programme
corifollitropin alfa, GnRH antagonists, ovarian stimulation, pregnancy
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Paediatric gynaecology Gynaecology and obstetrics Reproduction medicineArticle was published in
Czech Gynaecology

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