20th World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Published in the journal:
Ceska Gynekol 2010; 75(2): 160
10 - 14 October 2010, Prague, Czech Republic
Congress overview
Organising Committees
Organised by The International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Congress Chairmen ISUOG
- P. Calda, Czech Republic
- K. Maršál, Sweden
- G. Pilu, Italy
Local Organising Committee (Czech Republic)
- M. Břešťák
- R. Vlk
- L. Krofta
- K. Švabík
- V. Tomek
Local Advisory Board (Czech Republic)
- J. Sonek, USA
- E. Čech
- J. Marek
- D. Fischerová
- P. Eliáš
- K. Hodík
- P. Vlašín
- Z. Žižka
- J. Šantavý
- D. Cibula
- J. Mašata
- D. Smetanová
ISUOG Meeting Planning Committee
- A. Gagnon, Canada (Chair)
- A. Baschat, USA
- P. Calda, Czech Republic
- J. Copel, USA
- K. Hecher, Germany
- T. Lau, China
- K. Maršál, Sweden
- A. Ngu, Australia
- G. Pilu, Italy
- L. Platt, USA
- A. Tabor, Denmark
- G. Yeo, Singapore
Scientific Committee
- A. Baschat, USA (Chair)
- C. Bilardo, Netherlands
- D. Fischerova, Czech Republic
- A. Papageorghiou, UK
- B. Benacerraf, USA
- T. Bourne, UK
- E. Gratacós, Spain
- S. Yagel, Israel
ISUOG Secretariat
- S. Johnson (Executive Director)
- D. Long (Event Manager)
Scientific program
SUOG continues its recent tradition by offering two parallel streams of state of the art updates and new research presentations in obstetrics and gynecology. The sessions incorporate the ever popular live scan demonstrations of normal ultrasound findings and overviews by leading world experts. There are plenty of opportunities for small group discussions through our Oral Poster sessions twice daily. New this year are our afternoon workshops providing didactic updates in key sub-speciality areas and profession specific networking events.
Please visit the Congress website (www.isuog.org) for regular updates on the scientific program, invited faculty and CME accreditation.
Abstract submission - closing date 12 April 2010
Submitted abstracts should include unpublished data. All abstracts will be anonymously peer reviewed, scored and allocated on merit to oral or poster sessions. Scientific program sessions will be formulated around accepted free communication abstracts with overviews and state of the art lectures chosen to complement and support new research data.
Abstracts that have been accepted for presentation will be published in a supplement to ISUOG’s oficial Journal Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology.
Please visit our website for detailed submission information.
Pre-Congress courses
The following pre-congress courses will take place on Sunday 10 October 2010, 08:00-13:00. Please keep an eye on our website for program and speaker updates. Pre-congress courses must be pre-booked via the online registration form.
- Pelvic floor ultrasound Course director: H.P. Dietz (Australia)
- 11-14 week scan Course director: K. Nicolaides (UK)
In response to our delegate feedback we are pleased to present our educational workshop sessions running on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons. The sessions may include live scan demonstrations where appropriate.
Workshops are included in your Congress registration fee, but please note attendance is restricted by room size and on a first come first served basis – these sessions are not bookable.
Sessions include:
- Early screening for placental disfunction
- Advanced fetal neurosonography
- Practical new tools in fetal echocardiography
- 3D/4D cardiac imaging
- The spectrum of 3D/4D ultrasound in prenatal diagnosis
- The borderline fetus
- Complicated monochorionic twin pregnancy
- Fetal surveillance
- Use of ultrasound in gynecological oncology
- Ultrasound in labour
‘All you ever wanted to know’ sessions
These 40 minute teaching sessions by top experts need to be booked in advance through the online registration system (www.isuog.org). Please contact Guarant if you wish to add any of the sessions below to your existing Congress registration (T: +42 (0) 284 001 444, E: isuog2010@guarant.cz). Please note there is an administration fee of €25 per session and light refreshments will be provided.
Sessions include:
- Systematic approach to the early fetal anomaly scan
- First trimester fetal echocardiography
- Managing early pregnancy complications
- Selective IUGR in monchorionic twins
- Automated assessment of the fetal heart
- Getting the most out of 3D volumes
- Current issues in IUGR management
- Ultrasound in reproductive medicine
- When to use Doppler and when not to
- Treatment of fetal diaphragmatic hernia
- Sonography in prenatal CMV infection
- Abnormalities of the venous system
- Fetal face anomalies – 2D and 3D
- Assessing cervical pathology
- Ultrasound of the acute abdomen
- Fetal syndromes
- Diagnosis of heterotaxy
- Evaluating the endometrium
- Inverting the pyramid of care
- Levator trauma
- Fetal cardiac anatomy
- Functional MRI of the fetal brain
CME credits will be available. Please check our website for updates.
Dětská gynekologie Gynekologie a porodnictví Reprodukční medicínaČlánek vyšel v časopise
Česká gynekologie

2010 Číslo 2
Nejčtenější v tomto čísle
- Současné možnosti diagnostiky vulvovaginálních infekcí
- Význam resektoskopie v diagnostice karcinomu endometria
- Doporučení pro hormonální substituční terapii v postmenopauze
- První zkušenosti s novou minipáskou k léčbě stresové inkontinence moči u žen – MiniArc